
Mission Statement Expectations Entering Fourth Grade Parents Place Classroom Rules Contact Multiplication Facts Math Reading Spelling Welcome To Our Homepage Social Studies Shopping Shared Files Class Calendar Supply List and Wish List Welcome To Our SOL Practice Page Homework Class Projects Information Guest Book Favorite Links Blog

Let's Get Ready for School

Take time to help your child write a few goals for a successful school year.  Post these in a visible location.

Dear Parents/Guardians

 I am looking forward to getting to know both you and your children this year.  Fourth grade students will achieve much this year in terms of academic growth, greater self-confidence, and impoved social skills.  Good communication between parent, teacher, and student are very important for you child's overall growth. I am very excited about your child's great success this year!

Class Schedule

8:50-9:00: Morning Activity

9:oo-11:00- Literacy Block 

11:00-11:30 Lunch

11:30-12:15 - Resource

12:15-12:45- Remediation

12:45-1:45- Math

1:45-2:30-  Social Studies

2:30-2:45- Recess

2:45- 3:25 Science


 Graded Papers

Graded papers will be sent home on Monday.  Please sign the papers and return on Tuesday.  The attached papers should remain attached.  This is another opportunity for communication between home and school.  You are welcome to make copies of any papers, but I would like the originals back for my files.



Class Calendar

At Home

This website is as much for you as it is for your child. I hope that you are able to use it to enhance learning at home. There are many things you can do at home, working through activities online or helping with homework is just a start. Here are some tips and links to help you at home.

Click on the calendar link to access our calendar

Helpful Hints For Back To School


Designate a place in the house for school paperwork and completing homework.


Check your child's backpack to be sure she has everything she needs.



Go over after-school plans with your child.



Help your child pick out clothes for the next day.



Start the bedtime routine a bit early so your child is sure to get plenty of sleep.



Spend some tuck-in time talking with your child about school.



Pack lunch for your child and refrigerate it until morning.


Make a calendar to place in a visible spot: fill in events and school vacation days





Websites are below to help you work with your child at home. Click on a topic to open the website

Help Your Child Improve in Test-Taking

Helping Your Child Series  Pamphlets from the US Department of Education - Office of Educational Research and Improvement. The Helping Your Child publication series aims to provide parents with the tools and information necessary to help their children succeed in school and life. These booklets feature practical lessons and activities to help their school aged and preschool children master reading, understand the value of homework and develop the skills necessary to achieve.