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Why do I assign homework?

  Homework is an extension of your child's daily educational experiences and provides an opportunity for review, practice, and refinement of learning.

When will homework be assigned?

Homework will be assigned WEEKLY, Monday through Thursday. The homework packet will be provided on Monday.The only time that homework may be necessary on the weekend is when a long term project has been assigned or make-up work is required. Total time for homework should not exceed 60 minutes/night. If your child is struggling with an assignment, or spending more than 30 minutes on one particular assignment, allow him or her to put it away and get help from me the next day. All I require is your signature on the assignment. Students should also plan on reading 20 minutes every night in a book of their choice.

What will happen if a student does not complete a homework assignment?

If a student chooses not to do a homework assignment, a zero will be recorded until the student has completed the work and turned it in to me. The student will receive a Lunch Detention as a consequence and the assignment will be counted as late resulting in the grade being lowered. Missing or late assignments are recorded on the weekly Behavior Sheet. If homework assignments are consistently missed during the session, parents will be contacted.

What are the students' responsibilities?

Students must be responsible for making sure they know what all the assignments are before leaving class each day. I expect students to do their best job on every assignment. I expect homework to be neat, properly headed, and complete. If a student has difficulty with an assignment and needs help, I expect them to be able to explain to me what they are having difficulty with, and what attempt they made on the assignment.

What are a parent's responsibilities?

Parents are the key to making homework a positive experience for children. Therefore, I ask that you try and make homework a top priority at home, provide necessary supplies and a quiet homework environment, set aside a time each day when homework is to be done, and provide praise and support. Please do not allow your child to avoid doing homework, and contact me if you notice a problem. Be sure to check the assignment daily, but it is not the responsibility of the parent to complete the assignment!

What are the teacher's responsibilities?    I will give credit for all completed assignments, check all work, and support good homework habits by giving praise, rewards, and providing other incentives.