Welcome To Mrs. Brathwaite's Class Website
Courageous enough to begin. Determined enough to continue. Powerful enough to succeed!
My mission is to help my students perform to the best of their ability by leading them to realize their potential. I will establish high expectations and provide an encouraging and effective learning environment in my class. I want my students to know that I believe in them, and I want them to believe in themselves. They need to believe that they can behave, they can learn, and they can do their best. I want to learn everyday with my students and inspire them to work to their full potential to become lifelong learners.
Monica Brathwaite Fourth Grade Teacher
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do."
2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR
Welcome students and parents to our classroom website. On our website, you will find helpful information about our classroom. There are numerous pages on my classroom website. I hope that you find our website helpful and feel free to contact me with any suggestions or questions about our classroom. Thank you!
From The Desk Of Mrs. Brathwaite
Dear Students,
Have a great year. All I expect is that you do your best! You have your own special pages which have really cool websites and tools that you can use at home, but will help you to become better learners. I'll update the pages as we learn new concepts in class.