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Class Projects Information!

Four book reports/projects will be assigned this year.  They will count as Reading project/test grades.  Mark the dates on your calendar and start well ahead of time to make sure you do your best work.  If you have questions about a book, please get the teacher’s approval of the book before you complete your report.   .


  FIRST BOOK PROJECT (fiction book)  due September  28th. THE DIRECTIONS (two parts): **Make a collage on poster board depicting something important or significant about your story.  (must have five pictures min.) Use magazine cutouts, your own artwork, or computer graphics.  Include the title and author of the book on the front.  Neatness, effort, and use of color count.  ** Write a brief summary of your story (minimum three paragraphs).  Use your own words to tell the important events in the story for your first two paragraphs.  Then write another paragraph telling what you liked or disliked about the story.  Be sure to give specific reasons or examples.  Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and neatness count. 

AMAZING FACTS (nonfiction)

Create a booklet that contains at least ten amazing facts that you learned from the non-fiction book you read. The cover of the booklet should have the title of the book as well as the author, At the bottom of the cover, write “Created by ___________________.”

Your facts should come from the beginning, the middle, and the end of the book. Write one or two complete sentences for each fact, then draw a picture for each fact.

Be sure to use correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Your work should be neat.


After reading a book of history or historical fiction, make an illustrated timeline showing events of the story and draw a map showing the location(s) where the story took place.



VIRGINIA RELIEF PROJECT ( In Class Group Project )